Jennie Szwedo

Elite Clinical Pilates Trainer and Neurobiomechanical Movement Therapist

Elite Personal Trainer – Advanced Pilates

Jennie is an experienced Personal and Group Pilates Trainer, Pain Educator, and Certified Movement Re-education Specialist. She has completed training and certifications in Pilates, Yoga, Pre/Postnatal Fitness, Core and Pelvic Health, Functional Neurology, Pain Science, Foot Health, and more.

Jennie spent much of her life in chronic pain and can identify with the feeling of being broken. It is her life experiences that make her incredibly passionate about helping others.

Jennie has always been intrigued by the human body and all the amazing things it can do. This interest, combined with her own experiences, led her to study anatomy, biomechanics, and, most recently, functional neurology and pain science. She pursued these studies purely out of curiosity and a desire to create a movement practice to help others. She didn’t realize at the time how much the education would positively impact her own health.

Jennie has learned that we do not have to live in pain or with many of the limitations we may be experiencing. None of us are broken, and we are all capable of growth and change. We are stronger, more capable, and more resilient than we often recognize. By harnessing the power of neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to change) and the strength of our bodies, we can minimize pain and optimize both daily and athletic performance.

Jennie loves every aspect of her movement practice, but her favorite part is witnessing the “aha” moments when clients start to see real change. She loves when clients realize that while they received guidance and support, it was their active participation that created the transformation. The power to change has always been a part of who they are: Strong, Capable, and Resilient.

Jennie draws inspiration for her practice from the following quote:

“There is more to us than we know.  If we can be made to see it, perhaps for the rest of our lives we will be unwilling to settle for anything less”.  

Kurt Hahn

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