2Mr. Tortilla 1 Carb WrapsAvailable for purchase at Elite Training Facility
Spray Cooking Oil
50gGrilled Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
2RollsBabybel® Light Cheese
2Cherry Tomatoescut into quarters
4Thin SlicesSweet Peppers
2tspFajita Seasoning
1/4CupWalden Farms 0 Calorie BBQ Sauceany flavour will work!
1/4CupPlain Skyr Icelandic Style 0% M.F. Yogurt
Cook chicken on a grill or non-stick frying pan, cut up into small strips and set aside.
Shred Babybel® Light Cheese.
Very lightly spray a non-stick pan with cooking oil.
Place tortilla wraps on pan , top each with 1 tablespoon of BBQ, and shredded cheese.
Turn the heat to medium.
Add strips of chicken, peppers and tomatoes. Sprinkle with fajita seasoning and fold tortillas in half. Place a glass lid on top to prevent tortillas from opening and to keep heat in the pan.
Cook until bottom of tortilla starts getting crispy, then gently flip over to cook other side.
When bottom of 2nd side is crispy and slightly browned, your quesadillas are ready!
Remove from pan.
Serve with 1/ 4 cup of Skyr Yogurt on the side.
Mr. Tortilla 1 Carb wraps & Walden Farms BBQ Sauce is available for purchase at Elite Training FacilityWalden Farms BBQ Sauce at Elite Training Facility